I meet the most interesting people...
Last week I interviewed Ken Colburn, the founder and president of Data Doctors, a computer service company. He mentioned that he loves owning a company that franchises because he gets to work with people from all walks of life, who he might never come in contact with if he just worked at an office. I had to agree. In the past two weeks, I have interviewed: a plastic surgeon, an administrator at our school system, a staff member of one of our state’s House of Representatives, and talked with three publishers about writing assignments. Who knows what this week might bring? How about you? Does your job allow you to interact with some amazing people? Mine sure does.
And even though now I spend much of my allotted writing time away from my next novel, I know that someday having interviewed professionals about Med Spas—the latest in noninvasive plastic surgery—will come in handy. I’m sure that Jac, a character in my work-in-progress, will need Botox sooner or later, and I’ll know exactly where she’ll go to have it done. Or if Jac’s computer crashes, I’m sure the closest Data Doctors will fix her right up.
And even though now I spend much of my allotted writing time away from my next novel, I know that someday having interviewed professionals about Med Spas—the latest in noninvasive plastic surgery—will come in handy. I’m sure that Jac, a character in my work-in-progress, will need Botox sooner or later, and I’ll know exactly where she’ll go to have it done. Or if Jac’s computer crashes, I’m sure the closest Data Doctors will fix her right up.