The Blind Side

The other day I went to see All About Steve. I almost lost faith in Sandra Bullock. (It was painfully reminiscent of Miss Congeniality.) But this weekend I saw a trailer for her new film, coming in November. I think I’m going to love it.


Elizabeth Lynd said…
Pamela, I hadn't heard about this one yet. It looks great! I can't wait to see it. I'm a big Sandra Bullock fan. I know she and I would be friends if we met. Bet you feel the same way!
Amy Radachi said…
We saw this on "movie trailers on demand" and I can't wait to see it! I love those "based on a true story" movies about good things people do.
ashleigh said…
that looks really good! thanks for sharing :)
Pamela Hammonds said…
The movie reminds me of my experience with a group of kids my friend, Lori, and I helped. She once teased one of the boys about a little cousin sleeping with him in his bed. His response: "He can't since I don't have a bed." Lori made sure he got one. And his two sisters and brother got beds too. (His momma was the only one who had a bed.) And he lived not far from us.

We didn't adopt anyone, but we were involved with them for several years. And one girl named Britney called me mom. :)
Amy Radachi said…
My Rotary takes on a coat project for one of the "poorer" schools in Dayton. I spoke to one of the teachers today and she said a dad was left with 4 small children after the mom took off, taking with her all of the clothes. So he had to scramble to find clothes for 4 kids. The teachers got together and helped, but it breaks my heart that every year we see over 100 children with no coats for the winter. No hats, gloves, boots, nothing. And it's right in our backyard.
darci said…
I read parts of this book (the ones about Oher, not all the technical football stuff) and absolutely loved it. I really hope that this movie stays true to the original story, because this is one true story that needs no Hollywood embellishments to bring tears to even the most uptight person...such a life-affirming story

I've been waiting for this movie for awhile, but only just now saw the trailer and that is getting me even more excited. I also thought it was cool that they used a snippet of the song "Kill the Messenger" by Jack's Mannequin in the 2nd trailer (about 45 seconds in), because the singer also has an inspirational personal story as a cancer survivor...hope to hear more Jack's Mannequin music in the movie.

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